Circuits such as a smallsignal amplifier or a highspeed switching circuit might employ one or more c945 transistors. Datasheet catalog for electronic components integrated circuit, transistor, diode, triac, and other semiconductors page 976. When looking at the flat side with the leads pointed downward, the three leads emerging from the transistor are, from left to right, the emitter, collector, and base leads. In this tutorial well introduce you to the basics of the most common transistor around. C945 pdf, c945 description, c945 datasheets, c945 view. Symbol characteristics min typ max unit test conditions bvcbo collectorbase breakdown voltage 60 v ic100. Silicon pnp transistor for use in driver and output stages of audio frequency amplifiers, b564 pdf download nec renesas technology, b564 datasheet pdf, pinouts, data sheet, equivalent, schematic, cross reference, obsolete, circuits. To92 plasticencapsulate transistors c945 transistornpn features power dissipation p cm. Pinning pin description 1 emitter 2 base 3 collector fig. C945 datasheet pdf, c945 pdf datasheet, equivalent, schematic, c945 datasheets, c945 wiki, transistor, cross reference, pdf download,free search site, pinout.
C945 is an npn silicon planar epitaxial transistor designed for audio frequency amplifier. As discussed a transistor will act as an open switch during forward bias and as a closed switch during reverse bias, this biasing can be achieved by supplying the required amount of current to the base pin. C945 transistor npn feature z excellent h fe linearity z low noise z complementary to a733 maximum ratings t a25. Bc557 transistor as switch when a transistor is used as a switch it is operated in the saturation and cutoff region as explained above. Npn transistor, c945 datasheet, c945 circuito, c945 data sheet.
Dp502t datasheet, dp502t pdf, pinouts, circuit etc. O oscillator output pin voice output for driving an external transistor positive power, transistor when the chip is active. Smd transistor npn smd transistor npn features npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor low noise rohs compliance mechanical data case. Mps4126 amplifier transistor pnp silicon features this is a pb. C945 datasheetpdf list of unclassifed manufacturers. In this case, this digital transistor is a ordinary npn transistor with base resistors.
Here is an image showing the pin diagram of the this transistor. Npn transistor stanson technology your require pages is cannot open by blow reason. These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. The transistor is labeled as a c945 p228c which appears to be an old npn transistor.
Oct 26, 2017 bc557 transistor as switch when a transistor is used as a switch it is operated in the saturation and cutoff region as explained above. Etc to92 plasticencapsulate transistors,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. C945p datasheet vcbo 60v, npn transistor nec, 2sc945p datasheet, c945p pdf, c945p pinout, c945p manual, c945p schematic, c945p equivalent. C945 transistors datasheet pdf encapsulate transistors. You can use all semiconductor datasheet in alldatasheet, by no fee and no register. With a collector current of 10ma and a base current of 1ma then its typical as shown on the graph collector saturation voltage is less than 0.
Transistor datasheet, transistor pdf, transistor data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Applications the h945 is designed for driver stage of af amplifier and low speed switching. Free device maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. The 2sc945 is designed for use in driver stage of af amplifier and low speed switching. Stanson npn transistor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and. Oct 04, 2012 the circuit is simple and i basically understand it and can recreate it, except for the transistor. The h945 is designed for driver stage of af amplifier and low speed switching. I have some 2n2222 lying around and it seems comparable, but i cant quite tell. Nov 08, 2009 look at the datasheet of any transistor like the 2n3904 for example. Rating collectoremitter voltage collectorbase voltage emitterbase voltage collector current continuous total device dissipation ta25c. R1 allows connecting pin 1 directly to a digital output.
C945, c945 npn general purpose transistor, buy c945 transistor. So the collector voltage is much less than its base voltage. Npn highvoltage transistor mmbta42 data sheet status note 1. Sot23 plasticencapsulate transistors transistor npn feature z excellent h fe linearity z low noise z marking. C945 datasheet, c945 pdf, c945 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Data sheet status product status definitions 1 objective speci.
The circuit is simple and i basically understand it and can recreate it, except for the transistor. In the schematic symbol, the tip of the triangle with the line on top of it is the cathode. Look at the datasheet of any transistor like the 2n3904 for example. Dp502t 5pin, dp502t datasheet, dp502t pdf, datasheets pdf dp502t, pinout, data sheet, circuits. Circuits such as a smallsignal amplifier or a highspeed switching circuit might employ one or more c945 transistors features of c945 npn transistor. Electronic component search and free download site. Circuits where a lowcurrent, highspeed transistor is required will employ a transistor such as c945 transistor. Emy1 umy1n fmy1a lapplication general purpose small signal amplifier lpackaging specifications part no. C945 npn transistor complementary pnp, replacement, pinout.
The 54007400 series of transistortransistor logic is a mediumspeed, highnoiseimmunity family of saturating integrated logic circuits designed for general digital logic applications requiring clock frequencies to 30mhz and switching speeds in the 1215 ns range under moderate capacitive. C945 transistor datasheet pdf encapsulate transistor. The c945 is the same as a 2sc945 ecept that the pins are arranged ebc. But when its loaded and after some time the c945 had gone. C945 datasheet, c945 datasheets, c945 pdf, c945 circuit. C945p datasheet, c945p pdf, c945p data sheet, c945p manual, c945p pdf, c945p, datenblatt, electronics c945p, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet.
These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired collectorbase. A c945 transistor is a type of npn bipolar junction transistor. Her502 diode replacement, pinout, specs, dimension. Datasheet search engine for electronic components and semiconductors. To92 plasticencapsulate transistors, c945 datasheet, c945 circuit, c945 data sheet. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant insight into any electronic component. Discrete semiconductors data sheet ndbook, halfpage m3d186 2pc945 npn general purpose transistor 1999 may 28 product specification supersedes data of 1997 mar 26 philips semiconductors product specification npn general purpose transistor 2pc945 features pinning low current max. Datasheet catalog for electronic components integrated. Td2401 date published july 1995 p printed in japan 2sc5010 description the 2sc5010 is an npn epitaxial silicon transistor designed for use in low noise and small signal amplifiers from vhf band to l band. Npn transistor, c945 datasheet, c945 circuit, c945 data sheet. The id printed on components can be misleading, and is sometimes a shortened version of all the info needed for an accurate crossreference. The cathode is marked on the body of a diode by a band as shown below. Theyre critical as a control source in just about every modern circuit. C945 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search.
How to find a transistor replacement all about circuits. Stanson, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors. Etc, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. R2 forms a voltage divider with r1 such that the voltage on pin 1 needs to be more than the roughly 700 mv be drop of the bare transistor for the transistor to turn on. Transistor equivalent c945 may be insufficient information to determine an accurate replacement device. Jiangsu changjiang electronics technology c945 transistors. Transistor datasheet, transistor pdf, transistor data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf home all manufacturers by category part name, description or manufacturer contain.
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